It was Saturday, 7 March 2018.
A gorgeous sunny day with a strong current between the shore break and the outer break at Kurrawa Beach.
Nathan Newson and Mark Dore (2017 Robert Gatenby Life Saver of the Year) noticed a sixteen year old boy struggling in the current as he attempted to swim to the outer break. They both leapt into action, Mark grabbing a tube and Nathan a board, and sprinted into the water.
Reaching the distressed teenager, Nathan helped the swimmer cling onto his board and along with Mark, assisted the swimmer back to shore, where he was reunited with his concerned father.
With the patrol season starting back up in September, we encourage anyone wanting to make a difference and save lives on Kurrawa Beach to become a volunteer life saver. Once you are a member, you can undertake a number of awards to become proficient with life saving - details are at https://www.kurrawasurf.com.au/surf-life-saving
Alternatively, you can contact our Surf Life Saving Coordinator at lifesaving@kurrawasurf.com.au.